As it turns out, it’s not just Evie who’s Different. Lots of people are. Many of her assumptions about others are turned on their heads as she makes friends with kids her own age for the first time, discovers what’s good and what’s bad about high school, and learns lessons about power and its abuse—both by the administration and by Evie herself.
After reading the first few pages of this book, I knew it would live up to its title. Evie is certainly different than any character I've come across - she's a home-schooler who loves snakes, lives in a self-sufficient dome home, doesn't shave her legs, and has a penchant for quotes. I dare you to find someone like that in another book.
But that's not the only way Evie sets herself apart. So often, we talk about strong female characters, but Evie takes this to a whole other level. She's determined, and I loved hearing her conflicting thoughts when things didn't go quite as she envisioned them. I admired how she stayed true to herself, and her cause.
The way the book's chapters were set up was also unique. Each began with a quote relevant to the story, which was then discussed or brought up in some way during that chapter. It was a nice way to frame the story and a clever way to incorporate one of Evie's passions.
Overall, this was a refreshing read about a "different" kind of girl.
E-galley supplied courtesy of Netgalley.
RELATED LINKSHave you read something worth mentioning this week? Let me know in the comments!
Sounds like an amazing main character! Thanks for the review.