Monday, December 27, 2010

Writing Progress - 12.27.10

Happy Monday, everyone! I hope you all survived the holidays!

As far as writing goes, I didn't get much done this weekend. And guess what, I still haven't finished The Book Thief either! I'm am really close to the end, but I'm afraid something bad is going to happen and I can't bring myself to pick it up! Plus, I got a Kindle for Christmas and I've been playing around with that for the last few days. So far, I've only downloaded some of the free books that I never got around to reading: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Alice in Wonderland and Emma. Let me know if you have any suggestions on how to get the most out of my new toy!

Okay, now onto the writing. Before the holidays, I did send out a few chapters to one of my writing group buddies to read over. I haven't done much else but that. Since I have the entire week off, I'm hoping to make a lot of progress this week. These are my to-do's:

  • Update draft for revisions I made on the paper copy.
  • Complete changing the tense from past to present.
  • Finish The Book Thief
  • Plan the menu for a New Year's Brunch we're having on Sunday.
What are your goals this week? Are you just relaxing until the new year or are you hitting your WIP hard?


  1. I really need to hit my WIP hard. My IRL CP has my revised first 100 pages, but I need to give the rest of it some major attention. I'm getting to the point where it doesn't make a lot of sense, and I need to fix that.

  2. You totally had a free pass on this weekend and not getting a lot done! But this week I have a full plate of things to finish writing/blogging/reading wise so I'll be cheering for your progress too!

  3. Sherlock Holmes was the first thing I downloaded to my Kindle this weekend too :). Are you as obsessed with your Kindle as I am? I never thought I would say this, but I feel like I want to read everything on it now.

    I seriously need to get back to work my WIP. I took a few days off while I was out of town for the holidays and then my laptop power cord broke and I couldn't get a new one until today so I had three more unexpected days off. Hopefully the break will leave me feeling refreshed and ready to get down to it.
